For us, the best part about Emfranbelis Gundogs is building relationships with our customers and making sure they leave happy and satisfied. We’ve included some of their feedback below to give a snapshot of what it’s like to work with us. If you have feedback or a testimonial you’d like to add, feel free to reach out today.

Hayley with Ashphalt
Sept 2019Hi Just wanted to give you an update on Asphalt at 6 months! He's fab..such a little character, very thoughtful and calm for his age. He goes to training classes and has passed his bronze kennel club award. He is such a lovely little lad please let me know when you have your next litter as would love another one. Thanks and hope you are all staying safe x

Alison with Lyra
June 2019Hi Kelly
Hope all is ok with you and your family.
Please can I ask for a little advice? Lyra is now six and a half months old and has just come into season. Do you have any tips for managing this?
She is an absolutely lovely dog and we all love her very much.

Gillian with Brae
Hi Kelly, hope you and the family are all keeping well during this time. We have Brae from your 13/11/18 litter. He’s amazing and we were begining to think of getting another. If you are planning to have another litter later this year would you let us know. Thanks, take care gillian

Miranda with Dusty
June 2019Thought you might like an update on lovely Dusty. She is a delight and is doing really well

Gino with Rudy
Rudy is 2 today. Thank you again for such a wonderful dog even when he is being a sod. I hope isolation does not affect you as much as us in London.

Claire with Spot
Had spot nearly a year now, such a lovely well behaved dog , really is one of the family, although a bit partial to a bird! Really over the moon with him. Claire

Otto the Sprocker
September 2020Hi Kelly, I hope you and all your family are well, I can imagine you must be so busy over this time!You will be inundated with feedback on all your puppies but as it’s been 6 months since you had your sprocker litter I thought I’d send a few photos.Honestly, we often turn round to each other and say how grateful we are to have found you, we couldn’t have had a better experience with raising our first puppy! I know we have yet to hit the teenage phase 😂, but he is genuinely a great character and always so happy. He has been so easy to socialise and train - I can take him everywhere with me and he’s not phased, he makes friends with everyone we meet. Thank you so much, I never imagined he’d be such a fantastic dog!